My Credentials
2021 Board Directors Course for GAICD accreditation (expected completion December 2021)
Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
2021 PhD ‘A Good Fit: Health-Oriented Size Acceptance in Australian Dietetic Practice’
Supervised across the School of Psychology and Counselling and the School of Exercise and Nutrition Science,
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) ePrints
2020 Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Advance HE (equivalent to Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education)
2007 Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)(Hons 2A)
Queensland University of Technology, G.P.A: 5.958
1998 Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology and English)
University of Queensland, G.P.A: 5.5
I wear a few different hats! Here are my current resumes:
If you would like to talk to me about my employment history (or future!), please email me at or give me a call on 0413 248 123.